Sabtu, 09 Februari 2008


Canting Can Be Differentiated Into Some Kinds :
According to the function
- Canting Reng-rengan
Canting reng-rengan is used to make batik reng-rengan. Reng-rengan (ngengrengan) is first drawing according to the pattern before it’s done further. The person who makes batik reng-rengan is called ngengreng. The pattern is the drawing which is used as a model sample. Reng-rengan means framework. Usually canting reng-rengan is used especially to make its pattern framework, while isen or the content of the part in which batik is made uses canting isen according to the content of the part wanted. Batik from the result of taking the sample from the batik pattern framework or together with the content is called Polan. Canting reng-rengan has a singular and middle tip.
-.Canting Isen
Canting isen is canting to make the content, or to fill polan. Canting isen has either singular or double small tip
According to the number of carat (tip)
Canting can be differentiated into :
-Canting cecekan.
Canting cecekan has one tip, small, and is used to make small dots (Javanese : cecek). A person who makes dots by using canting cecekan is called “nyeceki”. Besides to make small dots for the content, canting cecekan is also used to make small lines.
-Canting loron.
Loron derives from the word loro which means two. This canting has double tips, up and down to make double lines
-Canting telon
Telon is from the word three. It has three tips with the form triangle. If canting telon is used for making batik, so it will be seen triangle which is formed from three dots as a content
-Canting prapatan
Prapatan is from the word four. So this canting has four tips, used for making four dots forming a square as a content.
-Canting liman
Liman means five. This canting has five tips to make a small rectangle which is made from four lines and one dot in the middle.
-Canting byok
Canting byok is canting that has seven tips or more, used for forming a small circle containing dots ; a dot or more, according to the amounts of the tips, or how small or big the circle is. Canting byok usually has odd tips.
-Canting renteng or galaran Galaran derives from the word galar, a bed made from bamboo which is formed horizontal. Renteng is a set of things in lines ; the way to arrange is by pricking.Canting galaran or renteng always has even tips ; four tips or more : maximally six tips, arranged from the bottom and up.